Another fake news by the Commissions Commission on the results of the analysis of the 2023 telecommunications service prices

18 / January / 2024

The Commission is continuing its use of the classical technology of spreading fake news. It is purposefully spreading disinformation from the analysis of the 2023 telecommunications service prices – as if the prices in Georgia exceeded those in European countries. This is done by using the information plucked out of the analysis context, as a result of which the Commission attempts to discredit the communications companies operating in the Georgian market and aims to justify actions likely prejudicial to the sector.   

In reality, the analysis shows that: 

  • The prices of Georgian telecommunications services (bundles) are in most cases significantly cheaper than those in European countries.
  • Majority of Magticom users use the offers, the prices of which not only do not exceed those of similar offers in European countries but take leading positions in terms of cheapness.
  • Magticom’s service bundles highest in demand such as Unlimited Mobile Internet are among the cheapest in Europe.
  • The analysis (due to the erroneous instruction of the Commission) uses data/ratios of different years to make price comparisons.

This is just an inexhaustive list of the issues which make it abundantly obvious that with its fake news the Commission attempts to mislead the public and misrepresent the real findings.

Despite Magticom’s repeated requests, the Commission has not yet shared the information and materials it has used that prevents us from verifying the reliability of the analysis.

Not intending to let the Commission’s fake news go unchecked, Magticom will continue keeping the public informed.