Having lost his cool, Kakhi Bekauri solely combines the functions of all the members of two independent bodies – the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Georgian National Communications Commission

31 / January / 2024

Magticom LLC wrote an official letter to LEPL Anti-Corruption Bureau, an independent body, on 29 January 2024. Having failed to exercise patience, Kakhi Bekauri made it before the findings of the Anti-Corruption Bureau inquiry were issued, offering his judgments in an attempt to affect the Anti-Corruption Bureau’s impartial investigation into the matter. Consequently, judging allegations to be “absurd” before the Anti-Corruption Bureau has completed its inquiry amounts to only Mr. Bekauri’s wishful thinking, not the reality.

Mr. Bekauri’s stance to identify himself fully with the Georgian National Communications Commission, an independent collegiate body, is ridiculous. Magticom’s application was for an inquiry into the actions of Mr. Bekauri in person, not the Communications Commission.

The public will be further informed of Mr. Bekauri’s other actions.