Communications Commission analysis shows the mobile internet prices in Georgia are 13-53% cheaper than those in European countries

26 / January / 2024

The Communications Commission tries again to mislead the public. In particular, in its statements the Commission obdurately insists on framing as if communications service prices in Georgia were alarmingly high. We’d like to show, from of the very findings of the analysis published by the Commission, an extract regarding the mobile internet prices of volumetric packages for individuals:

  • The Georgian mobile internet price for all volumes is 13-53% cheaper than the average price in European countries (Analysis p. 14);
VolumeGeorgian price*Average European price*Difference between average Georgian and European pricesComment
0.5 GB68-25%Georgian price is 25% lower than the average European price 
1 GB69-35%Georgian price is 35% lower than the average European price 
2 GB912-25%Georgian price is 25% lower than the average European price 
5 GB1417-21%Georgian price is 21% lower than the average European price 
10 GB2024-14%Georgian price is 14% lower than the average European price 
20 GB3439-13%Georgian price is 13% lower than the average European price 
50 GB3677-53%Georgian price is 53% lower than the average European price 


  • In terms of cheapness of Unlimited Mobile Internet prices, Georgia takes the second place compared to the prices in the European countries shown (Analysis p. 41).
CountryUnlimited Mobile Internet price*

*Price are shown in USD, gross of VAT, relevant to Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).

See: Full analysis of the 2023 telecommunications service prices ordered by the Commission.